Designbest - Home is where beauty is

FAmaggiore bulthaup San Remo (IM) (IT)

FA MAGGIORE bulthaup was founded in April 2010 under the name FA KITCHEN as the result of a 20-year collaboration between the experience of the Fogliarini Group and the quality of Bulthaup. In 2015, the collaboration with Bulthaup became even closer with the opening of a new showroom and sales space next to the historic FA MAGGIORE.
Customer satisfaction is the main goal pursued. To this end, a professional and competent team is always available to take care of the design and development of every desire and need inherent in the kitchen environment, both as a working environment and as a place for gathering and socialising.
Particular care is given to the choice of the right appliances. A kitchen with all appliances in operation is installed in the 140 square metre showroom, giving customers the opportunity to appreciate and evaluate the different features. FA MAGGIORE bulthaup proposes itself as the ideal partner for the study and realisation of your kitchen both in Italy and abroad, ensuring the utmost care also in the installation, which is always carried out by our specialised personnel.

Contact FAmaggiore bulthaup

Contact Sofa Jules to get information on catalogues, products and Showroom services!

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